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Risk Profiler Quiz
1. What Is Your Age?
More Than 60 Years
Less Than 60 Years
Less Than 45 Years
Less Than 30 Years
2. What Is Your Primary Investment Goal?
Capital preservation
Income Generation
Capital Appreciation
Speculative Growth
3. What Is Your Investment Time Horizon?
Less Than 3 Years
3 - 5 Years
5 - 10 Years
More Than 10 Years
4. How Would You Describe Your Tolerance For Investment Losses ?
Very Low (Cannot Tolerate Any Loss)
Low (Uncomfortable With Loss)
Moderate (Can Tolerate Some Loss)
High (Comfortable With Significant Loss)
5. How Do You React When The Stock Market Declines By 10% Or More?
Sell Immediately To Prevent Further Losses
Consider Selling But Prefer To Hold
Hold And Wait For Recovery
See It As A Buying Opportunity
6. How Experienced Are You With Equity Investments ?
No Experience
Some Experience
Very Experienced
7. What Percentage Of Your Total Investable Assets Are You Comfortable Allocating To Equities ?
Less Than 20%
20% - 40%
40% - 60%
More Than 60%
8. What Is Your Current Financial Situation ?
Unstable With Potential Financial Risks
Low But Stable Income
Moderate Income With Occasional Fluctuations
Stable With Secure Income
9. How Would You React If Your Portfolio Lost 20% Of Its Values In A Short Period ?
Sell To Avoid Further Losses
Hold And Wait For Recovery
Will Do Asset Rebalancing
Buy More To Capitalize On Lower Prices
10. Do You Rely On Your Investments For Regular Income Or For Long-Term Growth ?
Rely On Them For Regular Income
A Mix Of Income And Growth
Rely On Deferred Regular Income
Purely For Long-Term Growth
Your Name